I have a lovely bunch of coconuts, There they are standing in a row, Big ones, small ones Some as big as your head!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Double Blow

Well, this week (well maybe just a little over a week) DEBMCK has been delt not just one horrible blow, but two!

It all started when Callum told us that he was going home to scotland at Christmas, which meant that he wouldn't be coming to Fiji, turning DEBMCK into DEBMK and starting a new double bed dilemma, it that now just one person gets it.

Anyway, once we had come to terms with the fact that Cal wasn't coming, we were again hit when he told us on Sunday that he would be leaving a little sooner and was actually going home on Tuesday (yesterday) and not on Christmas eve.

But yesterday came the biggest blow of them all. The Kaivata: Tri-Territorial Youth Conference has been cancelled due to the growing unrest in Fiji. So therefore so has our trip. But, don't worry this is not the end of Coconut Boobies, even though we aren't going to Fiji anymore, we will go somewhere? So if you have any suggestions please post them. Coconut Boobies will go on.

"Some as big as your head!"


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Who Are You?

We've all been busy with exams and our blog has become a little stale. Therefore, it's about time we introduced ourselves...

Dave (DG) is our Travel Captain. He's studying a Bachelor Of Music/Bachelor of Teaching and plays a mean saxophone. DG also is a valued cornet player. Dave likes things neat and tidy and gets the occasional ice-cream headache. He's just a good bloke really!

Em is a self confessed chocoholic and will happily devour anything chocolate related. She is studying Nutrition & Dietetics and will one day be telling us what to eat and what not eat. In the meantime, Em's motto is that we need to eat everything because it's research!

Brad or Dupuy is our financial expert. He's never been out of Australia and so before he becomes a nine to five suit next year, we're going to show him the world! Well, we'll start with Fiji. Brad is very responsible, reliable and domesticated. So all you single ladies out there...

Miriam (aka Po) is a banana- yellow on the outside, white on the inside. One day she will be travelling the world de-worming orphans and fighting preventable disease in third world countries. She is skilled with an iron.

Cal is our token Scotsman who hails from Aberdeen. He is partial to tomato, cheese and mayo sandwiches and makes a great hot chocolate. Cal is soccer (or football as he calls it) mad and even has a tattoo to prove it. He loves his Gran.

Finally, who can forget Kitty Kat. She is going to be our shrink when we all go mad. Kitty loves Andre Agassi and flew to NY to watch him play his final match. Along with Po, she is an ice-cream/gelati connoisseur, her top pick is Berry Yoghurt from Lix Gelati.

"Big ones, Small ones"


Monday, November 06, 2006

Double Bed Dilemma

We have hit our first snag. We have a dilemma. With the new additions to our elite travel squad, we have come across an accommodation obstacle.

One of the places that we're staying at has a Premium Bure consisting of four single beds and one double. Initially, we were going to fight over who got the double. Now it turns out that two of us will have to share the bed.

So instead of drawing straws, we've decided to enlist your help by setting up a poll as to who should have to share the double bed.

A word of caution that may help you in making this important decision. We've done some research and it's frowned upon to be sharing a bed with someone of the same gender. However, it's also frowned upon to be sharing a bed with someone of the opposite gender who isn't your husband/wife...

"There they are standing in a row"

Sunday, November 05, 2006

New Additions!

We've been a little on edge this week because of all the conflict in Fiji. The travel warnings kept getting more and more severe. Last night, I think we were told to 'Re-think your travel plans'. However, on the news today, it has been said that there will be no coup and all is good! Yippee!

So... we've also added a few new additions to our elite travel squad- Dupuy & Cal (our token Scotsman)! This means that the next time we post, our sign off may be slightly altered. We're going to have to think about what roles these guys will take on... Any ideas?

"I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts"

Saturday, November 04, 2006

What's Your Role?

This trip is a real team effort and so we thought we'd share with you our designated roles pre and post Fiji, and of course, whilst we are there.

Firstly, Dave or DG. Dave is our travel guide and our organiser. He's the person to talk to if you want to know, down to the minute, what we'll be doing on our trip. Picture this, Dave with his trusty bumbag (complete with travel emergency kit), our passports strapped to his body, holding a map of Fiji. Who needs a travel guide when we have Dave?

Delightful Em is in charge of our diet and training regime. We predict that we will be packing on the kilos, therefore we need to have lost some to prepare for such physical changes! Em is adament that we start after our exams as we can't go without chocolate during our exams. Stressed out Em without chocolate is not a pretty sight... Em is also official photographer for our travels!

Kitty is our personal music co-ordinator! She is preparing the soundtrack for our trip. There is time to be passed during our flights, stopovers and transfers. What better way than to bop away to some groovy tunes! We'll post our soundtrack in the near future. In the meantime, we'll graciously recieve any suggestions.

Finally, someone needs to make sure that you are all updated regularly. That's our Blog Master, Po! She'll also be our conference liason, making sure that we don't decide to wander off when we should be at sessions or rallies...

"Some as big as your head!"


Fiji Here We Come

Okay guys, so these are the first offical photos of our holiday, just after we got our tickets, the first one I like to call..."Dave and his ladies"

and the second one...well its untitled... so go for your life.

Anyway enjoy these, they are the first of many, expecially with Emma as our official photographer!

"Big ones, Small ones"

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Good News & Bad News

We have Good News and we have Bad News...

The Good News, or rather GREAT news is that we have purchased our plane tickets and we've put a deposit on our accomodation! We went in to visit our esteemed travel agent Claire (shout out to Claire), who worked her magic and so we will be departing Sunday 14th January at 7:45am! Kitty wasn't so impressed with the departure time nor the fact that we have to check-in two hours prior to take off...

Now, the Bad News is that the Australian government has issued travel warnings due to mounting conflict between the Fijian government and the Fijian military. We're hoping and praying that this will all be settled by the time we jump on a plane. At the moment, the Salvos haven't cancelled the conference, so all is kosher!

The timing is just perfect though isn't it? We buy our tickets and the next day people are getting evacuated from Fiji. Em thinks it's her fault cause she's a bit of a jinx. When Em went to China in Year 9, it was a month after 9/11, then when her younger brother was going to China it was during the SARS epidemic and so his trip was significantly delayed and shortened. Then last year before Em's family travelled, planes seemed to be dropping out of the air at warped speeds... We don't see a recurring pattern here, do you?

"There they are standing in a row"

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