Introducing... Coconut Boobies!
Welcome to Coconut Boobies!
DISCLAIMER: This is a not a rude site bearing graphic images that may land us in jail. Coconut Boobies is merely an island icon that we have true respect for! Who knew that coconuts could be so versatile!?
In January 2007, we (DG, Em, Kitty & Po) are going to the beautiful island paradise of Fiji! As a service to our friends and family, we thought it only fitting that we blog about every step of this journey!
The main reason for this adventure was Kaivata: Tri-Territorial Youth Conference. We'd been pondering the possibility for a while, and it wasn't until Kylie and Collo jumped on board that we decided 'Why not?!' So we started looking into it, and so the journey began...
"I have a lovely bunch of coconuts"